Actor Shekhar Suman’s son Adhyayan Suman opened up about why he spoke about his break up with Kangana Ranaut ‘not in 2009, but in 2017’, almost eight years after they dated. In a new interview with News18, the actor said he ‘faced backlash’ for speaking about his breakup in public, but he does not regret it at all. Also read: Kangana Ranaut’s ex-boyfriend Adhyayan Suman talks about black magic, physical abuse, Hrithik Roshan
Kangana and Adhyayan Suman were in a relationship in 2008-2009 for a few months. The actors had worked together in the film Raaz: The Mystery Continues (2009). They had an ugly breakup, and later, he made several allegations against her, accusing her of trying to influence him. Adhyayan had claimed Kangana Ranaut was an abusive girlfriend, who made his life ‘hellish’ for the one year they dated.
On why he spoke about his relationship with Kangana
Now, Adhyayan has said that he has no regrets about talking about his relationship publicly and sharing intimate details about what transpired between him and Kangana Ranaut.“I don’t regret speaking about my relationship. I spoke about it like any human being would. I spoke about it at a point when people didn’t know about my side of the story. If you recall, there were no press conferences arranged. I never created a hullabaloo saying that things happened with me. It was just once that I spoke out of respect for that person and more importantly, for myself,” Adhyayan told News18.
The actor, who was recently seen in the web series Inspector Avinash, further said, “If I was publicity hungry, I would’ve spoken about it back in 2009 when I had the relationship and not in 2017. What difference does it make to my career? You don’t get work because of your affairs but because of your talent. People judged me back then but then they came back and apologised to me after I spoke about my side of the story. I faced backlash but I don’t regret it at all.”
What Adhyayan had said about Kangana
In an old interview to DNA, amid actor Hrithik Roshan and alleged ex-girlfriend Kangana’s public spat, Adhyayan had said in 2016, “One moment she made me feel loved and then in the next, it was like I was a nobody in her life! I was standing at the bar alone when Kangana walked up to me said some actor at the party was trying to grab her a**… so I told her, ‘Let’s go.’ She went back to doing her thing. Later she came and told me let’s go right now. I was walking down the stairs with her, when she turned around and slapped me!”
The actor had also alleged that Kangana took him to astrologers and tried to do black magic on him. “One day, Kangana called me at home in the night to do some puja. I reached at 11.30 pm as the puja was to start at 12. She had a small guest room in her apartment and she had covered it in black, including black curtains. There were some random statues of God, fire all around, some scary things (kept) puja. She asked me to chant some mantras, and locked me in. I was terrified. I didn’t do it and I came out and told her that I had.”
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