At the success meet of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, Karan Johar had revealed that the wedding sequence of the film was shot just four days after star Alia Bhatt’s real wedding to Ranbir Kapoor, so the mehendi in the song is the one that Alia actually had for her own wedding. Now, in a new interview with The Times of India, the mehendi artist for Alia, Jyoti Chedda, has revealed what the actor had briefed her for the wedding and commented on Veena Nagda’s clarification. (Also read: Alia Bhatt reveals how Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani marriage scene had similarity to her wedding with Ranbir Kapoor)
Veena Nagda’s clarification
Karan’s comment had sparked attention when mehendi artist Veena Nagda, who worked on the film, issued a clarification on Instagram. Reacting to Karan Johar’s comment that Alia’s real mehendi design was just darkened for the film, Veena Nagda had earlier shared, “We wanted to clear out the air about Alia Bhatt’s mehendi in the movie Rocky and Rani ki Prem Kahaani. 1. You can clearly see her wrist is empty in the last photo which is after her wedding. For the movie, we did the entire wrist design. 2. We also made changes to the design on her fingers. Few other changes were made to the overall design. 3. Not at all taking away any credits from the previous designer. We mentioned that we applied mehendi on the set of the movie.” WATCH THE WEDDING SEQUENCE FROM THE FILM HERE:”
What Jyoti Chedda said
Now, in the interview with The Times of India, Jyoti Chedda said that Alia wanted to opt for a ‘minimalistic’ mehendi design as she only wanted to include a Mandala art, infinity symbol and Ranbir Kapoor’s name. She also mentioned that Alia’s mehendi design was completed within half an hour.
In the same interview, Jyoti also reacted to the recent clarification of mehendi artist Veena Nagda, who worked on the film. Jyoti added, “We sincerely recognize and appreciate the additions to the mehendi done by Veena Nagda for the film, which adds more to the charm. Nonetheless, it is equally crucial to pay honor to the initial framework and original concept of the design, which was set by us. It was our creativity and direction that served as the fundamental blueprint for Alia’s dream bridal mehendi and these factors also enabled the enhancement of the additional work by the second artist.”
Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani released in theatres last month on July 29. The film, starring Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt in the lead, received critical acclaim and has been doing well at the box office.
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