Ananya Panday will be next seen in Dream Girl 2, which pairs her with actor Ayushmann Khurrana. At the trailer launch of the film yesterday, when Ananya was asked about the 14 year age gap between her and Ayushmann, she said that it should not matter as age gaps have always existed in cinema. (Also read: Dream Girl 2 trailer: Ayushmann Khurrana takes his Pooja avatar to a whole new level. Watch)
About Dream Girl 2
In the Dream Girl 2 trailer, Ayushmann is seen taking his Pooja avatar to another level. This time, he’s not only voicing Pooja but has also dressed up as her. Once again, he’s seen poking and fooling a lot of men. Ananya is seen romancing the male avatar of Ayushmann in the trailer.
Ananya on age gap with Ayushmann
Now, as per a report by ETimes, at the trailer launch when the 24 year-old was asked the 14 year age difference between herself and the 38-year-old Ayushmann, she said, “I don’t think this is today’s issue. The age difference has always existed. People should not fixate on age while watching the film. If they are preoccupied with this factor, then it becomes a problem. As long as two actors are suitable for their respective roles, it’s perfectly acceptable.”
More about Dream Girl 2
Dream Girl 2 was earlier supposed to release in July. However, it’s now arriving in theatres on August 25 now. The makers revealed that the delay was due to the extensive VFX work required for the film. Ektaa Kapoor who is co-producing the film, said, “We want Ayushmann Khurrana’s character to look perfect as Pooja in Dream Girl 2, and that’s why we are taking extra time to perfect the VFX work for the face. We want to ensure that our viewers get the best possible experience when they watch the movie. The VFX work for Dream Girl 2 is an integral part of the movie, and we want to ensure that we deliver a high-quality product to our audiences.”
Dream Girl 2 is the spiritual sequel to the 2019 film Dream Girl which had Ayushmann as a call centre employee who talks to callers in a female voice, pretending to be Pooja. It starred, Nushrratt Bharuccha, Annu Kapoor, Manjot Singh, Vijay Raaz and Abhishek Banerjee. The film was a blockbuster with gross worldwide box office collection of ₹200 crore.
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