Actor Angad Bedi, who recently won a silver medal in his debut sprinting tournament in Maharashtra, is now set to represent India in an international tournament for the sport. It will be a 400m race scheduled to be held in the UK by year-end. He has been training under the guidance of coach Brinston Miranda for a few years now. (Also read: Angad Bedi was nervous before his first 400m race that got him silver medal)
State and national level
Sharing his excitement over the development, Angad said in a press statement, “I am honoured and thrilled to have the opportunity to represent my country in the 400m race next year. First I am aiming for Maharashtra State in December then Nationals. The silver medal in my debut sprinting tournament has fueled my determination to pursue this sport at a professional level.”
He added, “With the guidance of my esteemed coach, Brinston Miranda, I am committed to giving my best and making my country proud. I am grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from my family, friends, and fans throughout this incredible journey.”
Angad’s first silver medal
Earlier this year, Angad bagged a silver medal in a state-level sprinting tournament that was held in Mumbai. He participated in the 400m race in the 31-40 year category and finished the race in 66 seconds.
Talking about his sports endeavours, Angad told Hindustan Times last month, “Coming from a sports background, sports has always been a part of my life just like a discipline. And training was inculcated in my life every single day. Now, what pushed and kept me motivated to undergo this transformation is the fact that I felt that I reached a plateau in my life.”
“I wanted to change my mindset. I wanted to change the way I look, and change everything about me. So, I started by pushing myself and enduring pain. I wanted to go through that process to feel the pain to understand how bad it could be,” he added.
Coach Miranda is a seasoned athlete himself and has achieved the remarkable feat of securing the 5th rank at the World Masters Games in 2016.
Angad’s new films
Angad was most recently seen in R Balki’s short in the Netflix anthology Lust Stories 2. Mrunal Thakur was paired opposite him in the film. Angad and R Balki are also working together on a sports drama film titled Ghoomer. Saiyami Kher and Abhishek Bachchan will also be seen in the film.
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