In July, AR Rahman and Kamal Haasan visited the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles. Now, in a new interview for The Hindu, AR Rahman revealed that he had told the actor to make a Hollywood film. The music composer also revealed that they had watched Oppenheimer together during their small get-together. (Also read: Kamal Haasan says no one believed he agreed to do Kalki 2898 AD: ‘Prabhas held my hand and said thank you’)
What Rahman said
In an interview with The Hindu, AR Rahman said, “I feel like he got trapped in this industry over the years. It’s a good thing for us; but for him… I don’t know. 20 years ago, when he had the money, he should have just gone to Hollywood and made a film there. As an experiment perhaps, without worrying about success or failure. He can still do it actually. That’s what I told him now; to make an English film just for the heck of it and not be judgmental about it.”
More details
In the same interview, Rahman also revealed that he watched Oppenheimer with Kamal Hasan. He added, “We visited the Chinese Theatre and watched Oppenheimer too. I invited him over for lunch after that. He is someone who comes from six generations of filmmaking, and hearing him talk and narrate stories is always fascinating to me. He still watches so many movies, remembers scenes and dialogues from them, and keeps pointing out trivia to me. Unlike him, I don’t have the patience anymore to finish every film!”
Sharing a glimpse of their visit recently, Kamal had shared a picture on Instagram and shared, “Boys in the wood !! Found a young man who is older than I am, and that’s why I keep young company. @arrahman.” Both of them were also seen sharing a light moment reflecting on the music director’s Oscar-winning moment. “One G.O.A.T watching another G.O.A.T at the academy museum,” Rahman wrote in his post, where Kamal was seen watching The Godfather.
Kamal will be next seen in Indian 2, which is a sequel of the Tamil cult classic Indian. He also stars in the upcoming film Kalki 2898 AD, which also stars Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan and Disha Patani.
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