Actor Athiya Shetty garnered praise from her husband-cricketer KL Rahul and fans after she walked the ramp at a fashion event recently. Athiya turned showstopper for fashion designer Anamika Khanna on Sunday at the India Couture Week 2023. (Also Read | Athiya Shetty posts clarification after KL Rahul’s videos from strip club surface online)
What Athiya wore
For the event, Athiya wore an embroidered cream long-sleeve dress, jewellery and heels. She also opted for glamorous makeup and tied her hair into a bun. Taking to Instagram, a paparazzo also posted her video walking the ramp. Reacting to the video, a fan wrote, “She has a face of a model. Athiya is perfect for a model.” “God she slayed,” read a comment. “It hurts my heart so much that she didn’t pursue modelling. She is a goddess,” said an Instagram user.
Fans react to Athiya’s ramp walk
“Athiya Shetty really chose the wrong industry to be in. She’s a born model,” said a social media user. “She really should’ve been a model! Athiya Shetty would’ve sure shot, been a supermodel!” commented a fan. “Hands down the best walk of all and entire fashion week,” read another comment. “It seems she owns the stage when she does her rampwalk…woahhhh just awesommeeee,” wrote a person.
Ileana D’Cruz and KL Rahul react to Athiya’s video
Taking to her Instagram Stories, actor Ileana D’Cruz posted a clip of Athiya and wrote, “I mean this girl is just (hot face emoji) and walking for one of my fav designers @anamikakhanna.in you killed it Athu!!!” Reacting to it, Athiya wrote, “Ilu (red heart emoji).”
KL Rahul posted a clip of Athiya walking the ramp. He wrote, “My stunning wife (white heart emoji) @athiyashetty.” Athiya re-posted the clip on her Instagram and captioned it, “My whole heart (white heart emojis).”
About Athiya and KL Rahul
KL Rahul and Athiya exchanged vows on January 23 this year at her father-actor Suniel Shetty’s farmhouse in Khandala. The duo was in a relationship for three years before they got married. After tying the knot, in a joint post, the couple wrote, “In your light, I learn how to love…’ Today, with our most loved ones, we got married in the home that’s given us immense joy and serenity. With a heart full of gratitude and love, we seek your blessings on this journey of togetherness.”
Athiya’s Bollywood journey
Athiya made her Bollywood debut in 2015 with Hero. She also featured in Mubarakan in 2017. Athiya was last seen in Motichoor Chaknachoor in 2019.
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