Bipasha Basu recently opened up about the toughest phase of her life, when her and Karan Singh Grover’s daughter Devi had to undergo a six-hour operation for ventricular septal defect (VSD). During an Instagram live with Neha Dhupia on Saturday, Bipasha also opened up about how she was left sleepless for the first 40 days after giving birth. She said she was all alone for 15 days when Karan was away and she didn’t let her family meet the baby. Also read: Bipasha Basu reveals she found out daughter Devi had 2 holes in her heart on third day after delivery
Bipasha on feeling lonely after giving birth to Devi
Bipasha said she conceived Devi via IVF, but learnt three days after her birth that she had two holes in her heart. “First 40 days 40 nights, I didn’t sleep for a second. It took me 40 days to process it, accept it, understand what is going on after giving birth. Out of those, 15 days Karan was not in the city with me because he had a film which he tried to back out from but he couldn’t. I was alone, I didn’t tell my family. She wasn’t allowed to meet anyone with cold and cough, my whole family had viral at that time. I didn’t let anyone meet Devi. Everyone thought why I had gone weird, but I was being fiercely protective about my daughter,” the actor said.
At the end of the Instagram live, Bipasha Basu confirmed that things are now fine for them as Devi has recovered and is doing well. Talking about why she shared about her VSD, the actor said, “I feel little lighter sharing. I felt really alone, I have never felt so alone in my entire life. It was a very isolating phase of my life. I just wanted people out there to come out and help me. There used to be casual talk, but I had not told anybody. I would just think of running away from everyone all the time.”
Bipasha talks about Devi
“Now we have just stepped into the normal scene, it’s feeling so nice and light to just take her on a holiday, go to a friend’s house where she can play with animals freely. We were told that she shouldn’t get any respiratory infection. A huge burden has gone from our shoulders,” she said with a sigh of relief.
Bipasha also revealed how Devi is fearless at all times. “She is a child, who wants to see the world, to keep her captive in the house felt so wrong. She loves all creepy crawlies, animals. She is fearless and is not scared of anything. Ear piercing, no tears. She has no tears for anything, she is a braveheart. She gives me lot of strength,” she said.
Bipasha and Karan welcomed Devi on November 12 last year. They revealed her face a few months ago. Karan will now be seen in Siddharth Anand’s Fighter that also stars Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone.
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