Celina Jaitly opened up about her journey in the fashion industry in Kolkata and how she wouldn’t get paid even after working hard. Taking to Instagram on Monday, Celina penned a long note recalling how she faced ‘constant criticism and rejection’. She said she had to ‘hear many derogatory things about all the things that made me unique’. (Also Read | Celina Jaitly says she received threats for supporting LGBTQIA community)
Celina Jaitly shared her video and a photo
Celina shared the note after clocking 22 years of becoming a runner-up at the Miss Universe pageant. She also posted an old video as took part in the contest. Dressed in a saffron bikini, Celina also posed with Miss Curacao and Miss Dominican Republic in a photo. Sharing the post, she captioned it, “This year marks 22 years since I became a runners up at the @missuniverse pageant held in SanJuan, Peurto Rico in 2001 right after India’s great triple wins at Ms Universe, Ms World & Miss Asia Pacific the year before (@LaraDutta @priyankachopra @deespeak).”
Celina penned a long note talking about her struggles
She continued, “Amongst 103 contestants at only 5 ft 6 inches (I was one of the shortest contestants that year) yet I went on to become a runners up, a moment of great pride for me, upholding my country’s and my predecessor’s legacy. I entered the fashion industry at a very young age (15) after being scouted at an army party. The struggles that one went through in a new and upcoming fashion industry in a not-so-open-minded Kolkata was not easy, plus the pressure of studies and competitive exams made my entire teenage a journey of hard work and toil. I also suffered from severe acne and very severe endometriosis and had to be hospitalised almost every month during my Menstruation due to severe dysmenorrhea and blood loss so it was an incredibly intense life for a child who had many dreams and aspirations.”
Celina recalls being rejected several times
“While others would enjoy weekends I would take up shoot and ramp show offers in Kolkata and work for meagre amounts of monies. Many a times I wouldn’t even end up getting paid for my hard work and unauthorised use of images due to lack of industry regulations. Then there was the constant criticism and rejection either I was too white, too thin, not tall enough or too tall etc. For many years I had to hear many derogatory things about all the things that made me unique and go on despite that. For a child in her teens it was truly overwhelming hence the journey to the crown was a very intense one,” Celina also added.
Celina talks about beauty
She concluded, “Crowns… after all are not made of sparkling stones, they are made of sheer determination, strength, dedication, devotion, struggle and immense courage too. Beauty is a ‘powerful tool of persuasion’ and I am so thankful for having the opportunity represent my country on various platforms since as an actor, brand ambassador UN equality champion and an activist. Having said that: Being beautiful is not being ‘born beautiful’. It is striving, lifelong to live & achieve your maximum potential as a human being. #celinajaitly #missuniverse.”
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