Zac Efron’s popular show, “Down to Earth,” is now airing on The CW this summer. The series follows Efron as he travels to different countries to learn about sustainable living practices and takes part in exciting activities like road trips.
Here’s the Exact Release Date & Time and Where to watch
The CW will premiere the show on Tuesday, July 18 at 8 p.m. ET, marking its first broadcast on mainstream television after initially streaming on Netflix in 2020.
“Down to Earth” has two seasons, with the first showcasing Efron and his co-host, Darin Olien, exploring various cultures around the world. The second season focuses solely on their adventures in Australia.
“Down to Earth” with Zac Efron – Previous Recap
While some viewers criticized the show in its first season for being unfocused and simplistic, many fans felt that these issues were addressed and improved upon in Season 2. The show garnered praise for Efron’s emphasis on the traditional practices of indigenous tribes and shedding light on the environmental impact of colonialism.
However, “Down to Earth” has also faced criticism for disseminating misinformation. Olien often shares scientific data and intriguing facts during the show, but many of these claims were already debunked before being presented on camera. Several of these were compiled in a report by Insider, while Vice reporter Maggie Lange wrote about the series: “What’s most frustrating about this show is not its sprinkles of bunk; the most frustrating thing about this show is that it mixes bunk with earnest reporting.”
Don’t miss “Down to Earth with Zac Efron,” an exciting show in which viewers may explore and learn new things. You can watch the show on Netflix and catch its premiere on the CW on July 18 at 8 p.m.
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