Actor Kajol celebrated her 49th birthday on Saturday with her family and friends in Mumbai. Several pictures and videos of the actor cutting a cake, interacting with her fans and paparazzi emerged online. Kajol also shared a post on Instagram on Sunday to thank everyone for their wishes. (Also Read | Ajay Devgn calls Kajol ‘better communicator, better cook’ on her birthday)
Kajol celebrates her birthday with Tanuja, Ajay, Vatsal
In a clip, posted on X (formerly called as Twitter), Kajol was seen kneeling on the floor next to Vatsal Sheth. They are birthday twins–Kajol and Vatsal celebrate their birthdays on August 5. A table with several cakes was placed in front of them. Many guests stood around them.
The video started with Kajol urging everyone to sing as she and Vatsal blew out candles and cut the cakes. Ajay Devgn was seen standing behind the guests dressed in a blue kurta and denims. Kajol’s mother-veteran actor Tanuja sat behind her on a couch. For the occasion, Kajol wore a beige outfit and heels while Tanuja was seen in a peach and orange suit. Vatsal wore a green sweatshirt and pants.
Kajol meets paparazzi and fans
In another clip, shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Kajol was seen greeting her fans. As she stepped out of a building, people thronged around her. She folded her hands and said ‘thank you’ before stepping inside.
Vatsal shared a selfie with Kajol on his Instagram Stories and added a ‘happy birthday to us’ sticker. Sharing it on her Instagram, she wrote, “Happy Birthday my fellow Leo @vatsalsheth.” Vatsal’s wife-actor Ishita Dutta also shared a photo on her Instagram and wished the duo. Kajol posted it on her Instagram and wrote, “Thank you.”
Kajol shares her birthday post
Taking to Instagram on Sunday, Kajol shared her photos and gave a glimpse of her birthday cake. In the pictures, Kajol sat on a beige couch as she spoke over the phone and laughed looking at someone in the room. Sharing the pictures, Kajol captioned the post, “This room and this day was filled with so much love and laughter and blessings and all the good things that I can’t even name .. all I can say is that I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed.”
She also added, “Thank u to all and everyone who loves me. I felt it yesterday .. from my friends and family to my super awesome fans .. love you right back ..#birthdayspecial #cakingitup #lovestatus #sograteful.” Manish Malhotra commented, “You are the best only and only love for you.” Kajol’s sister Tanishaa Mukerji wrote, “Loveeee youuuu!!!!” Shilpa Shirodkar posted red heart emojis.
Kajol’s projects
Fans saw Kajol last in the web show The Trial – Pyaar, Kaanoon, Dhokha, which is helmed by Suparn Varma. The courtroom drama is the Indian adaptation of The Good Wife, which starred Julianna Margulies in the lead role. Kajol plays Noyonika Sengupta, a housewife who starts practising law again when her husband’s public scandal puts him in prison. Jisshu Sengupta, Kubbra Sait, Sheeba Chaddha, Alyy Khan, and Gaurav Pandey are also a part of the show.
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