Farhan Akhtar on Wednesday announced that Ranveer Singh will be seen in the iconic role of Don for the third part of his popular action franchise, Don. However, people on social media platforms weren’t very happy about Ranveer replacing Shah Rukh Khan as Don. Shah Rukh played the titular role in Farhan’s 2006 movie Don: The Chase Begins Again and its 2011 sequel Don 2: The King Is Back. The films also featured Priyanka Chopra. (Also Read | Don 3: Ranveer Singh replaces Shah Rukh Khan as the new Don in fresh teaser. Watch)
Internet reacts to Ranveer in Don 3
Taking to Twitter, a person wrote, “Forget all other factors, #ShahRukhKhan’s voice and dialogue delivery is enough to give you chills. Irreplaceable.” A comment read, “No way it can match the era and legacy which is set up by Shah Rukh Khan the only Don! Even the dialogues are not coming good as our mind intercepting with the original Don.” “No doubt on Ranveer’s capabilities but no Don 3 without @iamsrk,” a Twitter user said. “With all due respect, this was a very MID promo for an iconic franchise,” read a comment.
People call Don 3 teaser a parody
A person wrote, “Oh man, this looks so bad you’d think it was a parody.” “Not interested sequel should be played by the old lead actor because of the memories,” said another. A social media user commented, “You guys still have time! Stop this film to avoid any more losses, because audiences ain’t buying #RanveerSingh as #Don3.” A tweet read, “The task is too big for Ranveer to do it in his own style.”
Fans miss Shah Rukh as Don
A Twitter user said, “Nothing can come close to this. Though it needed the last ride still… you made an ad than a teaser.” Another person commented, “The walking style itself is completely non-sync with the character he is playing.” A comment read, “Disappointed with DON 3 lead actor casting.” A person wrote, “SRK magic was something else … incomparable, unbeatable, hopefully, the full product when released, impresses the audiences.”
Farhan’s announcement
Farhan and Ritesh Sidhwani’s banner Excel Entertainment shared the news on its social media handles, posting a first-look video of the actor in the titular character. “A New Era Begins. #Don3 @ranveersingh @faroutakhtar” the banner wrote on Instagram. The franchise started after Excel Entertainment bought the rights to the Amitabh Bachchan-starrer 1978 film of the same name, written by veteran writer duo Javed Akhtar and Salim Khan.
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