Actor Shah Rukh Khan on Monday dropped the music video for Zinda Banda, the first song of his upcoming action thriller Jawan. Taking to Instagram, Shah Rukh posted a clip, and wrote, “When principles are at stake, one must fight, This battle is what makes you alive! I thank Wasim Barelvi sahab (sir) with all my heart for letting us use this beautiful couplet with a minor change. The song is written by Irshad Kamil Sir, and the music is by my dear friend Anirudh Ravichander. Presenting Zinda Banda!” (Also Read | Jawan live updates)
Jawan song Zinda Banda
In the nearly four-minute-long song, Shah Rukh Khan (SRK) made a grand entry wearing a red shirt and black pants. He is welcomed by a crowd of girls wearing green and white outfits as they cheer for him. Apart from Shah Rukh, the song also features Sanya Malhotra and Priyamani, among others.
The song is a fun and groovy one as it makes you want to dance to its beats. T-Series shared the music video of the song on its YouTube channel. The song is out in three languages – Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. While the Hindi version has been titled Zinda Banda, it is Vandha Edam in Tamil and Dhumme Dhulipelaa in Telugu. Anirudh Ravichander has composed the music of Jawan.
Fans react to Zinda Banda
Reacting to the song a fan said, “Our superstar, our king, our emotion, our favourite actor one and only SRK. You can ignore Bollywood but you can’t ignore SRK.” A comment read, “Anirudh’s music and Shah Rukh Khan’s swag are things you can’t ignore, literally GOOSEBUMPS guaranteed!”
“There is no competition for SRK, but the era of his romantic movies is something else,” wrote another person. A social media user said, “My body literally started dancing.” Another comment read, “SRK is not a name, it’s an emotion for billions of people all around the world!”
More about Zinda Banda
Earlier, he had unveiled a new poster of the first song on Instagram. Sharing it, he wrote, “The Sound of Jawan! Song out today at 12:50 pm! #ZindaBanda (Hindi) #VandhaEdam (Tamil) #DhummeDhulipelaa (Telugu) #Jawan releasing worldwide on 7th September 2023, in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu.”
Earlier, news agency ANI, had quoted a source as saying about the song, “It was shot on a grand scale in Chennai, over five days, with over 1000 dancers from all across Indian cities like Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Madurai, Mumbai and more. Produced at an impressive budget of over ₹15 crores, Zinda Banda will showcase the spectacular visual of SRK dancing like never before with thousands of girls. With Anirudh composing and helming the vocals as well and the moves are choreographed by Shobi, this track is all set to get the nation grooving.”
About Atlee’s Jawan
Directed by Atlee, Jawan will release worldwide in theatres on September 7 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu languages. Apart from Shah Rukh, Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi will also be seen in the film. Deepika Padukone also has a special appearance in the movie. In Jawan, fans will also see Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra and Ridhi Dogra in important roles.
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