Johnny Depp, Amber Heard bombshell split to be analyzed in new book


Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s devastating marriage and divorce to be analyzed by journalist Nick Wallis in his new book Depp v Heard: The Unreal Story.

The Pirates of the Caribbean actor’s separation from Heard and the bombshell trials that followed, took the world by storm, however, there are still some confusions left in the minds of people, who followed their cases closely.

Hence, Wallis, who claimed to have closely followed both their UK and US trails, has put together all the pieces from the couple’s cases to find out what really happened during Depp and Heard’s marriage which led to their headline making divorce.

Speaking to Daily Mail, the journalist said, “I thought they were two troubled but fascinating human beings, trying to find their way in the world.”

“They went through an extraordinary process, played out on a global stage. I never thought it was sordid or grim,” he added.

“People say, ‘why bother with Depp-Heard after the Post Office Scandal?’ and I say, why not? All human life is here,” the journalist said days before his book is set to release on May 17th, 2023, a year after Depp and Heard trial began.

In another interview with The Post, Wallis said, “This is an attempt to pull apart the evidence from both the UK and US trials and piece together what really happened.”

“I’ve used (often conflicting) testimony, witness statements, transcripts, texts, emails, photographs and other documents from both trials and tried to lay it all out so that anyone reading the book can come to their own, informed, conclusion about what happened, and answer the question as to how the UK courts believed Amber Heard and why an American jury didn’t.”


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