On Monday, Kangana Ranaut watched filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer. She took to Instagram Reels, and updated fans about her take on the film and its Bhagavad Gita reference. Oppenheimer is based on the life of J Robert Oppenheimer, the nuclear physicist regarded as the ‘father of the atomic bomb.’ Also read: Kangana Ranaut slams Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, says Karan Johar has made ‘daily soap’ with ₹250 crore
Kangana on Oppenheimer
Kangana posted a selfie from her car as she was on her way to the screening. After watching the film, she also shared her review and hailed Christopher Nolan.
Kangana reviews Oppenheimer
Requesting people to watch it, Kangana gave away the plot of the film. She said her favourite part of the film was the reference to the Bhagavad Gita. She said in Hindi, “This is a story of a Jewish physicist who made atomic bomb during World World 2 for America. They think he is leftist. He is deeply political person. As American think that he might be an agent of Soviet Union and considers him anti-national, he ends up creating nuclear power to prove them wrong. But, amid this, his humanity rises and challenges him, which leads to a conflict. This is the theme of the film.” “My favourite part is the reference to Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and Lord Vishnu – when he channelises his inner Vishnu,” she added.
Sharing the video, she wrote, “Christopher Nolan’s best work so far. Most important film of our time… I am so excited I just didn’t want it to end… it has everything I deeply love, I am passionate about physics and politics … For me this was like a cinematic orgasm… beyond wonderful!”
In the video, Kangana said, “
Internet reacts to Kangana Ranaut
Meanwhile, Reddit users have mixed reactions to Kangana watching Oppenheimer as many recalled her urging people to not watch American movies.
Sharing Kangana’s recent Instagram Stories, someone wrote, “We need to discourage American and English movies as they are taking over our screens. We need to behave like one nation. – Kangana Ranaut. Also Kangana.”
“She is doing PR for the movie against RRKPK (Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani). The more people choose Oppenheimer over RRKPK, the better she will feel,” added another. One more said, “She’s clearly an opportunist, who rides on whatever is the wave. Quit taking her seriously if you haven’t.”
What did Kangana say?
According to a report of PTI, the actor, Kangana will be next seen in Emergency and Tejas, had said at a press conference in 2021, “We need to discourage American and English movies as they are taking over our screens. We need to behave like one nation. We need to stop dividing ourselves like North India or South India. We need to enjoy our own films first, be it Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu or Punjabi.”
“This is what they are doing here also… We don’t appreciate each other, and rather see the dubbed versions of ‘Lion King’ or ‘Jungle Book’. But we will not give a dubbed version of a Malayalam film a chance. This will not work in our favour. We must keep our people and our industry our priority. This is the way to make an Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-dependent India),” she also added.
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