Actor Kiara Advani recently opened up about being upset when trolls attacked her online for being married. She said it happened right after she got married and her latest outing Satyaprem Ki Katha was about to release. She revealed it was her husband, actor Sidharth Malhotra who helped to navigate through the time and focus on positivity. Also read: Kiara Advani reveals she auditioned for Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha
Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra
Kiara and Sidharth Malhotra got married on February 7. They tied the knot at Jaisalmer’s grand Suryagarh Palace and their wedding was a private event attended by only a few people. The two fell in love while working together in Shershaah and dated for some time before getting married.
Kiara Advani on debate around wedding video
As Kiara and Sidharth are quite private about their personal life, Kiara was recently asked if her husband ever asked her to not post their photos online. She told Film Companion, “He didn’t want us to post some of the wedding stuff that we posted, that video. There was a lot of debate about it. ” Kiara said while she and Sidharth didn’t want to initially post the video, it was Manish Malhotra who told them ‘You have to post it.’
Kiara Advani on being a married actor
Kiara also recalled feeling negative after facing trolls right after their wedding, “For the first time, I felt a sense of overbearing, overpowering me with social media during the time when Satyaprem Ki Katha was coming out. Because I was just married…. I felt like there was very weird negativity going on about certain scenes ‘Oh isne yeh kiu kia hai, woh kiu kia hai (why she is doing it now that she is married).’ Maybe it was to do with ‘Oh now she is married’ all of that. I just felt like ‘Wait! What just happened here? This is all too new for me because, on one hand, people troll you for very ridiculous things, but now people were trolling you because you are a married actor, and people expect you to say or do certain things. That got to me slightly. I was not able to brush it off. It was really affecting me.”
Kiara Advani on Sidharth Malhotra maturely handling negativity
Kiara said she reads everything written about her online and called it a bad habit. “There was a little bit of negativity that really got to me and I didn’t even discuss it with my husband. I was like I don’t want to talk about it because the minute I talk about it then I am going deeper into it so let’s not. He had also seen it on his own and did not bring it on because he didn’t want to make a big deal of it. He was the one who explained it to me. He said ‘Look there will always be these negative trollers…but if you’re gonna give so much importance to this, be sitting at home and crying and behaving like s**t has hit the roof right now. What’s wrong with you? You don’t know them. They don’t know you. These could be like certain fans who did not like we got married. Just let it be. Why are you getting into it?’ I realised if he is so mature about it, why am I sitting and feeling all of these things? Thank God I have somebody who’s got wisdom, maturity and experience in this matter to tell me don’t give attention to this stuff,” the actor added.
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