Kiara Advani in a recent interview revealed she had auditioned for Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha years ago. As she did not land the role, she said she must have been ‘terrible.’ While she did not reveal for which part she had auditioned, it is seemingly for the female lead which went to Kareena Kapoor who also had to go through an audition for the film. Also read: Kareena Kapoor on why Aamir Khan asked her to audition for Laal Singh Chaddha
Laal Singh Chaddha
Laal Singh Chaddha was the Indian adaptation of Forrest Gump, starring Aamir and Kareena. Directed by Advait Chandan, the film was mired in controversy amid boycott calls. Later upon release, it did not work well at the box office. By its first month of release, the film had made a business of ₹130 crore at the worldwide box office and later landed on Netflix.
Kiara on Laal Singh Chaddha
During an interview with Film Companion, Kiara Advani was asked if she is ready to audition for a role, much like Kareena who auditioned for Laal Singh Chaddha. Kiara said, “Yes, absolutely. In fact, I also auditioned for Laal Singh Chaddha. At that time I didn’t know it was for Laal Singh Chaddha.” “I really don’t want to see that audition though. I really must have been terrible. It was many many years ago,” she added.
Kiara on auditions
Kiara continued, “Casting is such an important part of filmmaking. The right cast can add so much value. It’s not about who’s a better actor. It’s about who’s better suited for the part. It’s always teamwork and it’s so important to get the right cast for a film. It’s absolutely wonderful to audition, great to know if you are suited for the part.” Kareena Kapoor had told Prabhat Khabar, “I had to even give an audition for Laal Singh Chaddha. It was so that I could prove I am apt for the role, and I am perfect for the older part.”
Meanwhile, the Hindustan Times review of Laal Singh Chaddha read, “An official adaptation of internationally acclaimed Forrest Gump (1994) starring Tom Hanks, Laal Singh Chaddha is a feel-good film that doesn’t say anything extraordinarily different or in an exceptional way that you stand up and applaud. It doesn’t even try to introduce elements that would make it look somewhat different.”
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