Shah Rukh Khan has unveiled the trailer of Dulquer Salmaan’s upcoming film King of Kotha on X. Shah Rukh shared the Hindi version of the action thriller which sees Dulquer in a rugged ‘angry young man’ avatar. Responding to the post, Dulquer expressed his gratitude to Shah Rukh and called himself a ‘fanboy forever.’ (Also read: Guns & Gulaabs trailer: Dulquer Salmaan, Rajkummar Rao, Gulshan Devaiah populate Raj & DK’s quirky world. Watch)
Shah Rukh took to X and wrote, “Congratulations on the impressive #KOKTrailer , @dulQuer ! Looking forward to the movie. Big hug to you and wishing the entire team a big success!” He shared the link of the trailer and tagged the other cast members of the film, including Aishwarya Lekshmi and Shabeer Kallarakkal.
The trailer introduces Dulquer as an ambitious young man who wanted to become a notorious goon like his father. Called Raju, the voiceover then introduces him as the ‘people’s hero.’ As we see him beat up goons and carry his business forward, Dulquer’s character says, “A real man will carry his love to the grave.” As challenges arise in his Kotha, he has to take over the opposing forces with full force. Directed by Abhilash Joshiy, King of Kotha releases later this month in August 24.
Reacting to Shah Rukh’s post, Dulquer commented, “Thank you so so so much Shahrukh Sir ! This is such a huge moment for me ! Fanboy forvever (smile face and red hearts emoticons)”
Meanwhile, Mohanlal presented the Malayalam version of the trailer on Twitter and wrote, “Happy to present the #KOKTrailer. My hearty wishes to the entire team of #KingOfKotha.” Dulquer replied to express his gratitude and said, “Thank you sooooooo much Etta !!!! This means the world to me and the team ! Thank you for the support and encouragement always ! Lots and lots of love (smile face and red heart emoticons)” Besides this, actor Suriya released the trailer in Tamil version and Nagarjuna did the same in Telugu.
Besides King of Kotha, Dulquer also has the Netflix series Guns & Gulaabs, which is directed by Raj & DK, and stars Rajkummar Rao, Gourav Adarsh and Gulshan Devaiah. It will premiere on Netflix on August 18.
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