It’s been over 40 days since Kusha Kapila announced separation from Zorawar Ahluwalia. The actor has been working regularly since then, including a shoot with Deepika Padukone and her show Tinder Swipe Ride on Jio Cinema. However, Kusha took to her Instagram on Sunday to pen a long note on how the grief of separation refuses to fade. (Also Read: Kusha Kapila breaks her silence on online attacks for separation from Zorawar Ahluwalia: ‘This topic is officially over’)
Kusha’s note on grief
The note posted by Kusha on her Instagram read, “It’s a weird thing, this grief or whatever version of it I am currently experiencing. As overcome I am by its heaviness – I guess chest days feel like this – I am also strangely dwarfed by it, to the point of feeling like an injured nail on a pinky toe. Almost like a big bang in motion, only it’s on a microscope slide.”
She added that the grief doesn’t seem as daunting as the thought of its possible permanence. “Are we exclusive? Is this a forever thing? Will we grow to like each other or will we co-exist like cordial roommates till our rent agreement expires. No renewal for me, please.”
Kusha wrote that she genuinely believes the grief has “irreversibly changed the way I look, eat, talk, exist.” She compared it to her tendency to listen to her favourite songs on loop because she feels they would run away if she doesn’t do that. She also called familiarity her “chicken soup” and anything new “scary, almost paralysing.”
She finished the note by saying, “Yours truly thought she had evaded most stages (of grief), maybe even grief altogether (obviously, stage one, denial). And then it hits you, like a big bang but on a microscopic slide. You watch all of it happen. After all, you are behind the lens. It’s your eye on it.”
Kusha captioned the note as, “let’s file this under ‘sunday evenings are the worst’.”
Comments on Kusha’s post
Several celebrities came out in support of Kusha and posted comments on her long note on grief. Her Masaba Masaba co-star, actor and fashion designer Masaba Gupta, commented, “It gets better K. It really does. Been there done that.” Masaba had also divorced film producer Madhu Mantetena in 2019. She married actor Satyadeep Mishra earlier this year.
Actor Pulkit Samrat also commented, “It seems hard, very hard in the moment Kusha.. but remember, share without fear, scream, shout, stay still, run, sob, laugh.. and throw away the map, just wander.. freely! Cause grief stays, but it changes.. it definitely changes and you come out as a more compassionate, loving and caring soul!” Pulkit married girlfriend Shweta Rohira in 2014, but the couple separated the very next year.
Stand-up comedian and former All India Bakchod member Ashish Shakya also commented, “Hard relate on Sunday evenings, will happily take Monday mornings over them any day.” Fashion designer Anaita Shroff Adajania also lent support to Kusha by writing, “Come over! (red heart emoji).”
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