Lizzy Caplan weighed in on the major difference between real and digital world ‘sensuality.’
During an interview with The Rolling Stone, The Interview star said, “It seems the world has been “almost shifting back into a prude-er way of being” in recent years.”
“I do think it’s a strange time in our society where, on one hand, things feel hyper-sexualized in terms of your appearance, on social media, and flaunting your body in that way,” Caplan added.
“Yet it also feels removed from actual sexuality and all the things that made these erotic thrillers work back in the day. So there’s a distance between the sexiness of Instagram and actual sexiness,” she said.
Previously, the 40-year-old starred in Showtime’s Master of Sex, where she played a real-life researcher who examines changing attitudes related to sexuality in the 1950s and 60s.
In 2015, the actor told The Star, “It’s easy to pat ourselves on the back and say we’ve come so far, but a lot of the struggles are still the same,” Caplan told The Star in 2015.
“The truth is, we haven’t come nearly as far as we should. To be a woman who has a healthy sexual appetite is not something that’s easily accepted by much of society,”
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