Renowned writer-director Richard Curtis, known for his iconic British romantic comedies like “Love Actually,” “Four Weddings and a Funeral,” and “Notting Hill,” has unveiled his upcoming venture called “Christmas Actually.”
This stage show, which incorporates live music, performances, poetry, and comedy, is set to be a charity fundraising event in support of Comic Relief, according to a report by BBC News.
Richard Curtis himself is curating the show, which will span eight performances at London’s Royal Festival Hall from December 7th to 11th.
Curtis aims to deliver a delightful blend of entertainment, promising a production that is “noisy and emotional and full of surprises and jokes, with some proper celebrity sparkle.”
The inspiration for “Christmas Actually” emerged from Curtis’ desire to create a festive show that can be enjoyed by families during the holiday season. The opportunity to utilize the event as a means of raising funds for Comic Relief was an irresistible prospect for him.
In addition to “Christmas Actually,” Richard Curtis is concurrently involved in another Christmas-themed project—a yet-to-be-titled film set in New York—created exclusively for Peacock.
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