Miley Cyrus announces Used To Be Young series to chronicle her glorious career


Miley Cyrus is looking back to the very beginning.

The 30-year-old singer unveiled a brand-new series inspired by her latest single, Used to Be Young, where she will reflect on the last three decades of her life, including her childhood, Hannah Montana days, her launch into fame, love and heartbreak, and most recently unparalleled success.

Alongside a video announcing the series, the Wrecking Ball singer wrote in the caption: “Sometimes it feels like my life started when Hannah Montana was born.

“But before Hannah there was Miley. My fantasy was to light up the world with laughter, music & iconic moments that last beyond my lifetime,” Cyrus enthused. “Decades later I continue to fulfill my purpose because of the love provided by my fans.”

“This series “Used To Be Young” is inspired by my new single,” explained the pop star. “Looking back on my life & sharing untold stories from 1992 until now. Let’s start at the beginning…. Forever, Miley”.

In the end, the Jolene singer guided her fans to “Follow along on my Tiktok page over the next few days!”

Miley Cyrus released her latest single earlier this week, which touched on her juvenile days in the music industry and the myriad of scandals she frequently found herself in.  


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