Shah Rukh Khan has unveiled a new Jawan poster introducing Nayanthara’s character. She is seen in a badass avatar as a cop, wielding a machine gun while looking stylish in black sunglasses. Jawan marks Nayanthara’s Hindi film debut and has her starring opposite Shah Rukh. Also read: Vignesh Shivan reacts to Shah Rukh Khan romancing wife Nayanthara in Jawan
Sharing the poster on Monday, Shah Rukh Khan wrote, “She is the thunder that comes before the storm! Nayanthara Jawan Prevue out now! Jawan releasing worldwide on 7th September 2023, in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.”
A fan commented on his post, “Women power.” Another said, “Can’t wait to see both of you together.” One more wrote, “This poster is fireeee!!” A fan also hailed Nayanthara as ‘boss lady’.
Nayanthara in Jawan Prevue
Nayanthara’s first glimpses from the film Jawan were seen in the Jawan Prevue that released last week. While she was looking pretty in a yellow saree in one scene, she was seen in a corporate look in an other. Then there were more scenes of her wielding a gun in the middle of an action scene.
The Jawan Prevue also had a surprise appearance by Deepika Padukone along with glimpses of Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, Vijay Sethupathi and others. It ended with a bigger surprise as a bald Shah Rukh Khan was seen dancing to an old song in the middle of a Metro hijack scene. It is directed by Atlee and will release in theatres on September 7 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Jawan is a Red Chillies Entertainment presentation, produced by Gauri Khan, and co-produced by Gaurav Verma.
Vignesh’s reaction to Nayanthara’s scenes in Jawan
On the day of Jawan Prevue release, Nayanthara’s husband and filmmaker Vignesh Shivan praised it on his Instagram Stories. Thanking him on Twitter few days later, Shah Rukh wrote, “@VigneshShivN thank you for all the love. Nayanthara is awesome…but oh who am I telling this…you toh already know!!! But Hubby, beware, she has now learnt some major kicks and punches!!”
Vignesh mentioned Shah Rukh and Nayanthara’s romantic scenes in Jawan while replying to his post. He wrote on Twitter, “Soooo kind of you sir. Yes sir being very careful but I also heard there is some good romance between the both of you in the movie, that she has learnt from the king of romance, so already cherishing that with the happiness of such a dream Debut with YOU…”
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