Nick Jonas helped his wife, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, to loosen up her hair while they were at Wimbledon together on Saturday. This sweet moment was recorded in a video that Priyanka shared on her Instagram account.
In the video, Nick, who is 30 years old, can be seen trying to untangle Priyanka’s hair while they are in a car, and Priyanka, 40, looks on with fondness.
The video captures the heartwarming moment as Nick focuses on giving Priyanka some relief from her tightly-styled hair.
“Ponytails are complicated,” she captioned the sweet video, which ended with an “ow” from Chopra as Jonas seemingly pulled a little too hard on her hair.
The end shot of the video reveals the result of Jonas’s efforts, with Priyanka beaming as her hair, now free from its ponytail, appears to defy gravity, presumably due to the wind.
Nick Jonas also posted on Instagram about their daytime date at the Wimbledon tournament in London.
He shared a carousel of pictures, including a selfie of himself and his wife wearing sunglasses in the Royal Box, a photo of their tickets with the tennis court in the background, and a video of Kate Middleton awarding the iconic gold Wimbledon Trophy to Markéta Vondroušová after she won the women’s singles title.
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