Actor Parineeti Chopra and her fiance and politician Raghav Chadha, who got engaged on May 13 in an intimate ceremony in Delhi, are yet to finalise a venue for their wedding that’s likely to happen in October this year. However, we have exclusively learnt that contrary to the reports of them hosting two wedding receptions in Chandigarh and Mumbai, the couple is considering a reception in Gurugram.
Earlier, there was a buzz that they were planning two receptions – one in Chandigarh and one in Mumbai. However, a source tells us that the couple might host the said function at The Leela Ambience Gurugram Hotel.
A source tells us that the soon-to-be married couple’s parents, Pawan Chopra-Reena Chopra and Sunil Chadha-Alka Chadha, even went to a hotel for a food tasting session this week.
“On Friday, there was a buzz in the hotel that Parineeti, Raghav and their families would be coming for a food tasting around 7:00 pm, but then it was moved to 9:00 pm,” the source informs.
The source goes on, “A lady, reportedly their manager, was coordinating on their behalf had already reached the venue at 8:30 pm. Around 9:45 pm, both their parents arrived at the hotel for the food tasting. There was information that they (Parineeti and Raghav) both would also come, but they didn’t show up and only the families tasted the food.”
The insider also reveals that there was a vast and lavish menu, ready for their food tasting. “The food tasting might have been for a grand reception in Delhi NCR, as Raghav, whose birthplace is Delhi and is a politician, so he has most of his friends, closed ones and guests in Delhi. It didn’t look like they came in search of a wedding venue,” the insider wraps up.
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