Prince William sends ‘weird’ latter to BAFTA-winning star


Kate Middleton’s hubby Prince William sent a good luck message to TV presenter Gail Porter ahead of her Edinburgh Fringe run.

The Scottish TV personality, who has kicked off her two-week run of comedy shows at the world’s biggest arts festival in Edinburgh, has received well wishes from Princess of Wales.

King Charles III’s eldest son has sent the star a ‘weird but nice’ hand written letter, wishing her good luck on her performance.

The Edinburgh-born star, in conversation with Ranvir Singh on Lorraine, said: “It’s been amazing because Edinburgh is my home town and it’s so exciting because I’d been to the Edinburgh Festival when I was a wee person. I’ve had the best time, I’m tired, but it’s been the most wonderful time. The show is about my life, but trying to make it funny. A lot of people know what I’ve been through, but a lot of people don’t know.”

She continued: “I’ve gone from doing my television stuff in the nineties to losing my hair, to losing my parents, and losing my house and being homeless and getting sectioned and getting myself back on my feet again, so I just thought, you know what, you either feel sorry for yourself or you can make it into something funny.”

During the chat, Gail revealed that she worked with Prince William  n her capacity as an ambassador for Centrepoint, a homelessness charity – and he sent her a kind letter afterwards.

“He asked me to go along and have a chat with him, which was a bit bizarre, and then he sent me a lovely thank you letter, and then there was a nice little handwritten bit at the bottom saying, ‘I hope you have the best time at the Edinburgh Fringe,” she said.

“And I thought, ‘Wow that’s nice! Weird but nice – lovely!’” She later added: “It was very nice, it was very thoughtful.”

Gail Porter is set to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe from August 16 until August 28. 


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