Actor Priyanka Chopra has spoken about the ongoing SAG AFTRA strike and extended her support. Taking to Instagram on Friday night, Priyanka shared a post announcing that she stands with her ‘union and colleagues’. (Also Read | Priyanka Chopra invited me to go see Beyonce’s London concert after I bought fake tickets: Stuntwoman)
What Priyanka said
Priyanka shared a poster that read, “Sag.Aftra Strong.” She wrote, “I stand with my union and colleagues. In solidarity, we build a better tomorrow (red heart and folded hands emojis). She also added the hashtags–Sag Aftra Strong and Sag Aftra Strike.
Earlier, several reports said that production of her project Heads Of State would also be halted or postponed for the strike. Since Priyanka is a member of the SAG AFTRA, she will not be able to film for any project until a new deal between SAG-AFTRA and the AMPTP can be reached and the strike ends.
Hollywood actors join writers on picket lines
Striking Hollywood actors joined film and television writers on picket lines for the first time in 63 years on Friday, cheering and chanting outside major studios with calls for higher streaming-era pay and curbs on use of artificial intelligence. The twin strikes will add to the economic damage from the writers’ walkout that started on May 2, increasing the pressures facing the multibillion-dollar media industry as it struggles with seismic changes to its business.
In New York City and Los Angeles, actors marched outside the offices of Netflix Inc, Paramount Global and other companies, voicing demands for higher compensation for working-class actors and other gains. “We’re in an old contract for a new type of business and it’s just not working for most people,” actor Susan Sarandon said outside Warner Bros Discovery offices as quoted by Reuters.
What AMPTP said
The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) said it had offered significant increases in compensation to SAG-AFTRA and Writers Guild of America (WGA) members. AMPTP is the group that negotiates on behalf of Netflix, Walt Disney Co and other studios. Reuters sources close to studios also argue that the companies are facing a challenging time. Many streaming services have yet to turn a profit after spending billions of dollars on programming to try and attract customers.
with Reuters input
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