Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared several pictures of her daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. They got ready to travel for Priyanka’s husband-singer Nick Jonas’ upcoming tour. In the photos, posted on Instagram Stories, Malti was dressed in ethnic wear. They also reunited with the actor’s manager Anjula Acharia. (Also Read | Priyanka Chopra takes a dip in the sea with Malti and Nick Jonas watching in pics from their beach vacation)
Priyanka shares Malti’s pics
In the first photo, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas sat inside an empty suitcase as she smiled and looked around her. She wore a printed off-white kurta and pyjama and also opted for earrings. Priyanka captioned the post, “We’re ready for THE TOUR @nickjonas.” Nick’s first tour will take place in New York.
Priyanka also re-shared a photo by Anjula featuring the trio. In the photo, Priyanka held Malti while Anjula clicked a selfie as they stepped outside on a sunny day. Priyanka wore a white outfit while Malti was dressed in a printed white frock and a white hat. All of them including Malti wore dark sunglasses. Anjula wrote, “Reunited with the shady ladies.” Re-posting it Priyanka wrote, “Missed you @anjula_acharia.”
Anjula plays with Malti
In another photo, Malti stood inside a room as Anjula gave her toys to play with. Sharing it, Priyanka wrote, “Sundays are for kurta pajamas (heart eye emojis).” Anjula shared a picture as she sat on the floor as Malti played in the distance while toys lay around them. She was seen petting Priyanka’s dog, Diana. Anjula wrote, “On Massi duty!” She also posted another photo of Malti holding toys and a pouch as she played with her. She wrote, “Finger puppets (smiling face with hearts emoji).”
About Malti
This isn’t the first time that Malti has been travelling with Priyanka. Earlier too, the toddler visited New York with her mother. Malti was born to Priyanka and Nick via surrogacy in January 2022. The duo, in a joint statement, had announced the birth of their first child on social media. “We are overjoyed to confirm that we have welcomed a baby via surrogate. We respectfully ask for privacy during this special time as we focus on our family. Thank you so much (sic),” the statement read.
Priyanka’s projects
Fans saw Priyanka recently in Citadel, which is created by The Russo Brothers. The action-packed show revolves around two elite agents Mason Kane (Richard Madden) and Nadia Sinh (Priyanka) of the global spy agency Citadel. She will be seen with John Cena and Idris Elba in Heads Of State.
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