Veteran actor Saira Banu spoke about the friendship between the late Dilip Kumar and Sunil Dutt as she recalled several incidents. Taking to Instagram on Monday, Saira also posted a photo of Dilip and Sunil. In the picture, Dilip Kumar had his hands on Sunil who looked away. While Dilip wore a blue shirt, Sunil was seen in a black outfit. (Also Read | Saira Banu pens heartfelt note on Mughal-e-Azam turning 63, hails Dilip Kumar’s performance)
Saira talks about Dilip and Sunil helping the film fraternity
Sharing the photo, Saira captioned the post, “I am joyous as I share stories and moments that Sahib shared and lived with people that he called friends. Sahib was known to be a lovable and caring person but only a few people knew that he was a great friend too…one of them was Sunil Dutt. Dilip Sahib and Dutt Sahab were not only neighbours but also dearest of friends. They were both great icons who did not isolate themselves in their own luxurious lives but always came to aid the film fraternity, whether it was a matter of the industry at large or some crisis.”
Saira recalls how Sunil would bring his favourite dal to Dilip
She added, “When there was big trouble and heartache Dilip Sahib and Dutt Sahab would burn the midnight lamp together and would pow-wow into finding solutions, be it 3 in the morning or 4, whether it meant travelling to and fro to Delhi or helping victims of the civil riots in Mumbai. On occasions of mirth and joy, it was a treat to see Sunil Ji walking down the slope into Dilip Sahib’s house to share his favourite katori (bowl) of cooked dal that was a must for him with every meal.”
Saira recalls how Sunil visited Dilip to wish him on Eid even after accident
Saira continued, “Once after a function in Shirpur, Maharashtra, Dutt Sahab met with an unfortunate air crash on his flight back. He did survive it but landed at Breach Candy Hospital. Upon his discharge from the hospital, even the injury did not stop him from hobbling across with a walking stick to his friend Dilip Sahib’s house to wish him Eid Mubarak. This was the greatness and camaraderie of Dutt Sahab.”
Saira talks about Mother India
“When Dilip Sahib needed to travel abroad to accept an award, Dutt Sahib was the first to second him and give him the impetus to receive this honour. He said while doing this he would like to see his own birthplace after so many years. This friendship between the two goes back to a Radio Interview that Dutt Sahib did with Dilip Sahib and Mehboob Khan’s Mother India, wherein Dilip Sahib refused to be cast as Smt. Nargis Ji’s son in the same film. After that Sunil Ji was cast in the same role,” the veteran actor concluded.
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