Suniel Shetty just gave a big update on Hera Pheri 3. In a new interview with News 18, the actor who is set to return to the franchise with Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal, said that the project is definitely going to floors very soon. The first Hera Pheri film released in 2000 while the sequel Phir Hera Pheri came out in 2006. (Also read: Suniel Shetty says he’s looking forward to ‘being back on set with Akshay Kumar’ for Hera Pheri 3: ‘It’s a relief’)
What Suniel said
In a new interview with News 18, when Suniel was asked about Hera Pheri 3, he said, “We’ve shot for the promos. We’re waiting for the film to take off. My fingers are crossed! I hope nazar na lage kisi ki. (Hopefully everything goes on well)”
Suniel on working with Akshay and Paresh
He further talked about sharing screen space with his co-stars Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal and said, “I’ve always been in touch with Akshay (Kumar) and Paresh (Rawal) ji. Paresh Ji and I are very, very close. Akki and I might not meet every day but we’re also very tight. He’s the fittest actor in Bollywood even today. We didn’t realize that 16 years had gone by… It’s so beautiful that we’re coming together for Hera Pheri 3.”
Suniel’s Linkedin post
Earlier, Suniel wrote a long social media post about the awaited film, describing how filmmaking and decisions made in the process are not all about actors and other creatives involved, a lot of it is about the business of filmmaking. On Linkedin, Suniel wrote, “So Hera Pheri 3 is finally happening! Look forward to being back on set with Pareshji and Akki (Akshay). Like all good things, this one took some time, but it’s a relief to finally have an answer to this question! Films are such a huge part of our culture, and yet, not many understand what goes into making a film. Apart from creative challenges, the business model and needs of the movie business make it as challenging as any other.”
He concluded with, “Many films also tie-up with brands for in-film placements or co-marketing activities, as an additional layer of revenue, or sometimes to offset part of the pre release marketing expenses. There are so many other aspects that make the movie business challenging – audience preferences, data and insights, IP rights and licences, pre and post production, line production, permissions, promotions, pricing etc etc. 33 years and 125 films later I don’t have it all figured out, but I will keep getting better at it.”
Meanwhile, Paresh Rawal had said that the film’s characters will go global in the third film as they travel to Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Los Angeles, California. Farhad Samji will be directing Hera Pheri 3.
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