Actor Sunny Deol has compared his character Tara Singh from the upcoming film Gadar 2 with Hulk and Superman. Speaking during a session on the last day of the 2023 Jagran Film Festival in New Delhi, Sunny said that every person wants to watch a superhero on screen who ‘will set things right’. (Also Read | Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel dance to Main Nikla Gaddi Leke at Gadar 2 event)
Sunny compares Tara Singh with Hulk, Superman
As quoted by news agency PTI, Sunny said, “Tara Singh is our Hulk, Superman. Every man wants to watch Hulk and Superman. He believes that (the hero) on screen will set things right. Like there are Marvel Comics, here is Tara Singh. You don’t draw these powers from working out. These are emotional powers.”
Sunny talks about a character facing a difficult choice
Citing the example of the famous Hindustan Zindabad sequence from Gadar, Sunny said that when a character is faced with a difficult choice, God comes on screen to show the way and then one can move ahead. He added that ‘it is the superpower of honesty, earnestness, and simplicity. That’s what superheroes are all about’.
Sunny talks about him as an actor
Talking about how he doesn’t believe in preparing for a role, Sunny continued, “It is in your genes or you have it. You can enhance it through technique but you can’t become an actor by doing bodybuilding or dancing. Every person has all kinds of emotions. As actors, we are blessed when a character comes to us, so we are able to present those emotions outside. That’s when it feels real.”
All about Gadar 2
In Gadar 2, Sunny reprises his role of Tara Singh from his 2001 hit Gadar: Ek Prem Katha. Filmmaker Anil Sharma, who also helmed the original, has directed the follow-up which will hit the screens on August 11. The film also stars Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma. The sequel is set in 1971 about 17 years after the events of Gadar.
Recently, Sunny shared the trailer on Instagram. The three-minute-long trailer showcases Tara Singh and Sakeena’s legacy, set amidst the tumultuous Crush India Movement of 1971. In the trailer, Tara Singh went all the way to Pakistan to save his son, Charan Jeet Singh (played by Utkrash Sharma) from the Pakistani Army.
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