Sunny Deol has called out the fake camaraderie in the Hindi film industry and said that no one was ready to launch his brother, Bobby Deol. He was talking to Puja Talwar in an interview when Sunny talked about the pretentious nature of people in the film industry and recalled the time when he wanted partners at the time of launching Bobby in films. (Also read: Sunny Deol calls his Gadar 2 character Tara Singh ‘our Hulk, Superman’)
Bollywood’s pretentious people
Sunny also said that he believes it is much tougher for star kids to start out in films nowadays. “Oh, it is very tough now. It is very tough for an actor from the film fraternity. There is so much of hatred people have brought out here. The way they treat, our family has never been a camp family. I remember going to all the directors even when I was launching Bobby. Nobody was willing to join hands with us.” Bobby made his debut with Rajkumar Santoshi’s Barsaat in 1995.
He added, “I feel like, enough! So many people call me ‘paaji’ (Brother). I ask them: ‘Please don’t call me paaji because you don’t understand the meaning of paaji’. There is a certain respect for elder brother… There are so many things that have been going on, will keep going on. We may be great actors in life, even if not as much in front of the camera.”
In the interview, Sunny also contemplated that perhaps he should revisit his old films. He added that so many fans ask him to recreate Damini, Border, Arjun Pandit, and all those films. He also said that the response to Gadar 2 has made him think about revisiting his famous characters.
Gadar 2
Sunny now awaits the release of Gadar 2 which will hit theatres on August 11. Directed by Anil Sharma, the film is a sequel to Sunny’s 2001 film Gadar Ek Prem Katha. Sunny reprises his role of Tara Singh in the upcoming film. Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma will also return as Sakeena and Jeeta in the film. The film will be facing a box office clash with Akshay Kumar’s OMG 2.
Gadar Ek Prem Katha
The first film, which was also directed by Anil, traced the love story between a Pakistani girl and an Indian man who was willing to cross all barriers – and borders – for the sake of his love. Gadar Ek Prem Katha was set during the Partition of India and created history at the box office when it was released in 2001. It had a box office clash with Aamir Khan’s Lagaan and made a huge score at the ticket windows. The 2001 film also starred Amrish Puri as Ameesha’s father.
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