In March, Sushmita Sen shocked fans, when she announced on Instagram that she had suffered ‘a massive heart attack’. The actor, who had to undergo angioplasty and stent placement, has spoken about the ‘phase’ in a new interview with News18. Sushmita said the health scare didn’t make her fearful, instead she ‘got a new lease on life’, which has made her ‘more careful’. Also read: Sushmita Sen shares health update with fans
Sushmita shared news of heart attack in March
The shooting for her Disney+ Hotstar series Aarya season 3 was halted after Sushmita Sen suffered a heart attack earlier this year. Sushmita resumed work soon after the treatment and wrapped up the shoot of her web show. On March 2, Sushmita broke the news of her heart attack, a couple of days after it happened.
Sushmita on her ‘new lease on life’
Now, Sushmita has opened up about her life after suffering a heart attack. She told News18, “It was a phase and it passed. I am very lucky to be on the other side. It doesn’t make me fearful now, instead I now have a feeling of promise, of something to look forward to. When you get a new lease on life, you respect it and are more careful.”
Sushmita’s request to fans
The actor had said in her Instagram post in March that she underwent an angioplasty at a hospital. In an Instagram Live days later, Sushmita informed fans that it was a ‘massive heart attack’ and she had a 95 percent blockage in one of her arteries.
A week after she suffered a heart attack, Sushmita had said she had resumed working out on her cardiologist’s advice. The actor, who was diagnosed with the autoimmune condition called Addison’s Disease in 2014, also urged people to monitor their health in an earlier Instagram Live.
Sushmita’s upcoming projects
Apart from wrapping up Aarya season 3, Sushmita has also completed another project titled Taali, whose teaser was recently unveiled. Directed by Ravi Jadhav, the series on Shreegauri Sawant, features Sushmita as the transgender activist. It will be released on Independence Day on JioCinema.
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