Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri has said that changing the character of Akshay Kumar in his upcoming film OMG 2 is not justified, adding that he believes that Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) should not exist at all. Speaking with India.com in a new interview, Vivek also questioned the need for censorship in films and shows. Vivek is a member of the CBFC. He also clarified that he is not a part of the reviewing committee and is yet to watch the film that releases on August 11. (Also read: Vivek Agnihotri talks about ‘lonely deaths’ in films after Nitin Desai’s suicide)
Changes to Akshay’s character ‘not justified’
Asked if changes made to Akshay’s character (earlier Lord Shiva, now changed to a messenger of the Hindu God) is justified, Vivek told the portal, “No, it is not justified. I don’t agree with that. First of all, even though I am a part of CBFC, I am totally against it. CBFC shouldn’t be pressurised to do anything. Whatever is happening, it’s happening because of social and religious pressures. He added that everybody now understands the CBFC is a vulnerable body that will succumb to pressure. He added that he could not understand why a film should be asked to make as many as 27 cuts and wondered why should CBFC be the one to decide that.
‘CBFC should not exist’
“Even though I am a part of CBFC but if you ask me, I honestly believe there shouldn’t be any CBFC. I am against any kind of boycotts and bans on the movies. I believe in free speech. I, in fact, believe in absolute free speech, to the extent, that I think even hate speech should be allowed. What is the intention of the filmmaker? If the intention is not bad, let it go,” Vivek added.
Censor troubles for OMG 2
Releasing months after the controversial mythological film Adipurush that created ripples across the globe, OMG 2 faced unprecedented trouble at the reviewing table at CBFC. Reports said that the film was scrutinised in view of the objections made against the Prabhas-starrer film that released earlier this year.
After weeks of speculations over whether or not the film will receive a U/A certificate, the film was awarded an A certificate with 27 cuts. While no official statements were made, reports suggested that the makers wanted a UA certificate as their film is about sex education and aims at educating teenagers. However, they had to settle for an A certificate eventually for the film to release in theatres.
More about OMG 2
Directed by Amit Rai, OMG 2 features Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam along with Akshay. It is a sequel to the 2012 film OMG which featured Akshay as Lord Krishna. Paresh Rawal plays a businessman fighting a legal battle against God, because his shop was destroyed due to a natural calamity and the insurance company won’t pay him calling it ‘an act of God’.
The new film features Yami as a lawyer opposite Pankaj – a Shiva devotee – who fights for his teen son. Akshay plays the role of a messenger of Lord Shiva.
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