Recalling the camaraderie between the late actors Dilip Kumar and Ashok Kumar, Saira Banu shared a precious throwback photo on Instagram. She has revealed that there were times when Ashok Kumar jokingly told Dilip Kumar that he often visited his house to flirt with his wife (Devika Rani). (Also read: Saira recalls how Sunil visited Dilip on Eid even after meeting with an accident)
Dilip Kumar and Ashok Kumar
Recalling the old days, Saira wrote in an Instagram post on Wednesday that Ashok Kumar’s house was close to the studios and since he shared a great bond with Raj Kapoor and Dilip Kumar, they were both welcome in his house. “Ashok Bhaiyya lived close to the Studios those days and Raj and Dilip Sahib were always welcomed in Bhaiyya’s home to savour hot Bhajiyas made by his wife Shoba Bhabhi. Raj Kapoor would often join Sahib and hug him excitedly saying that he’s happy to know that he had joined the acting profession.”
She also wrote, “Bhaiyya sometimes arrived while they were having Bhajiyas and demanded that they should play badminton with him. He would chide them jokingly, You come here and flirt with my wife, eat nice Bhajiyas and you don’t want to accompany me in playing badminton. Later, when they worked together, on Ashok Bhaiyya’s order there would be a Dawaat at lunchtime with delicious food like Biryani and homemade icecream.”
Ever since she made her debut on the platform earlier this year, Saira often shares beautiful memories from Dilip Kumar’s professional and personal life.
Saira also recalled how Dilip would visit Ashok in his later years when the latter was bed-ridden. “Many years later when Bhaiyya was at home out of health problems, Sahib used to visit him frequently at his Chembur house where he would be resting in bed very much his ebullient self but naturally weaker, and Sahib took it upon himself to regale him with Urdu couplets and wicked jokes. He would respond marvellously and cheer up. Sahib and I visited him regularly while Bhaiyya’s man Khurshid followed us out and told us that ‘Dada Moni’ really perks up and livens up with your coming. This was a great camaraderie in bad times,” she added
Dilip Kumar-Ashok Kumar’s first meeting
In her social media post, Saira also remembered how Dilip Kumar and Ashok Kumar met for the first time. “One morning Sahib ran into Dr. Masani, his father’s acquaintance, told him that he was in search of a job. Dr. Masani suggested that he should go with him and took him along to meet Mrs. Devika Rani, the boss of Bombay Talkies Studio. Devika Raniji, a picture of elegance, welcomed them and took them personally to the floor where a shooting was going on.”
“She led him to a man who was well-dressed and looked distinguished. His dark hair was combed back and he smiled through his eyes at Sahib. He held his hand in a warm handshake that marked the beginning of a friendship that was to last a lifetime. He was Ashok Kumar, the superstar who soon became Bhaiyya to Sahib. He said that he knew why he was there, You are a handsome man and I can see you are eager to learn well, It’s very simple. You just do the scene given to you as you would behave in a real-life situation if you were really in it be natural if you try to act it out, it will look silly,” she added.
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